Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
May Pics
Posted by Robin at 7:07 PM 0 comments
The newest Knight & Kid Pics
Parker Grace Knight was born on April 30 and weighed 7 lbs 7 oz. She is a blessing to our family and we love her soooo much! Parker visited Hayden's school and his friends love her!
Posted by Robin at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Baby Shower Pics
One thing that I am very blessed with is awesome friends! I had two baby showers and these are a few pics from them. My Owasso friends & neighbors were at one and then Hayden's school had myself and another PTO mom a shower this week. As you can see from the pics they were both a wonderful time and yes, I have very generous and creative friends (if I do say so myself). Look at these personalized burp clothes and blankets, I got even more of them. Parker will be in style!

Can you believe we had over 6 inches of snow the last weekend in March! Crazy Oklahoma weather! But it didn't stop many of them, we still had a great time!
Posted by Robin at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Easter 2009
It has been awhile since I've posted pics. But actually there hasn't been a lot going on that has been picture worthy. Here are some pics of our Easter. The bunny showed up at our house (outside) on Saturday because there was a 100% chance of rain on Easter and guess what...they were right! I have a thing about hunting Easter eggs, it must be done outside! I have a couple of stories about the pics, first notice Chuck's pink shirt and tie....Alex picked that out and was so proud of herself! I did call Chuck before I purchased the clothes and he said he would wear it and he did! The kids can't wait for their sister, Parker Grace. They are always talking to her and kissing her (my belly!).
Posted by Robin at 8:59 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Alex - Her first cooking experience
Alex received 2 new cookbooks for Christmas. For her Papa Jim's birthday, she wanted to cook something for him. We went through her Paula Dean cookbook and she selected cinnamon rolls. Believe it or not, they were made from crescent rolls, cinnamon and sugar and marshmallows. And even more surprising, they were good! We had a hard time keeping Hayden out of them! I was very proud of her and her Papa enjoyed them.
Posted by Robin at 7:41 AM 1 comments
House Addition
This is the door that currently goes out to the attic. This will all be torn out and the staircase opened up.
Posted by Robin at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
More Christmas
Papa Jim and Grandma Sarah were out of town over the holidays, so we had Christmas with them the weekend after. Papa Jim is a fly fisherman and is working on making Hayden one. He got a fly fishing vest and waiders to go to the river with Papa.
Posted by Robin at 9:49 AM 3 comments
New Years Eve
We got a Wii a few months ago at the Knight household. For Christmas, I thought it would be nice if Hayden asked for the "Rock Band" game. It contains a guitar, drums and microphone. He never would bite on that idea, so Chuck finally said to leave him alone and he would buy it for me! ha ha Well, I got it for Christmas and we finally got all 3 pieces hooked up on New Years Eve. (yes it took us longer to figure it out than any kid!) I have to admit, we were thankful the kids were all at a neighbors house, because things got a little competitive and we didn't have natural musical talent!
Posted by Robin at 9:38 AM 0 comments