Thank you Uncle Rustin for the new scooter! Now I don't have to beg Hayden to share his!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
Alex & her new American Girl. They have matching PJ's. She hasn't put her down all day and made Daddy help change her clothes!
Posted by Robin at 4:33 PM 0 comments
Missouri Christmas
Posted by Robin at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Busy December
We kicked off our Kansas/Missouri Christmas trip with a stop at Aunt Sherry & Uncle Larry's. We were a couple of days eary as we stopped by on our way up because the weather was bad and we couldn't go all the way to Missouri on Friday. We also stopped by on our way home, so they got a double dose of us!
Posted by Robin at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A Proud Mommy Story
I'm not real big on blogging without photos's but I feel the need to share this little story. Alex has been sick with strep throat since Saturday and was home from school Mon and Tues. This is the 3rd case of it she has had since mid Oct. I took her to the Dr. yesterday and they want to see her at the end of Dec to check her out and evaluate her then. That is the background to the story.
I went to Hayden's school today to pick him up and was talking to his teacher, she told me to make sure I read his paper out in the hall. It was titled what I can give........Hayden wrote that he wanted to give to his sister Alex and he wanted to give her his body, because she is always sick. He wanted to do this because he loves her!
Talk about making mommy want to cry! All those times you think they can't stand each other after hours of arguing and is all worth it in the end. Maybe we are doing something right with our kiddos! I know one thing for sure, I do love them and the people they are becoming!
Posted by Robin at 4:30 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Posted by Robin at 6:59 PM 0 comments
October Activites
The neighbor kids came over after trick-or-treating for pizza and pumpkin carving!

Posted by Robin at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
A few more Disney pics.
Posted by Robin at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Posted by Robin at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Disney Trip
We are home! Just thought I'd pass along a couple of pics to let you see that we had a good time! We got home Saturday evening and I was very lazy today! This is the first time I've been on the computer in a week!!! That is a record for me! Hopefully when I catch up at work and home, I will get some more pics put on. We have lots of good stories and memories...can't wait to share them with you. We had a safari view from our balcony. The kids loved to see what animals they could see every morning and evening. I think this was one of Hayden's favorite things to do. In case you didn't figure it out, we stayed at the Animal Kingdom Lodge.
Our first morning was spent at Animal Kingdom and began with a character breakfast. Donald Duck was our first, followed by Daisy. We had 5 character meals throughout the week and saw other character in the parks. The kids had their autograph books and I got pics with all of them.
Hayden couldn't wait to see Mickey!
Chuck and Hayden couldn't wait to see Goofy!!
Here we are in front of the tree at Animal Kingdom. This is one of the few pics that was taken with my camera that I'm actually in! I made everyone stop at each Disney photographer we saw so we could get family pics taken. They were fine with this the first couple of days, but by mid week they were sick of it! I just wanted proof that I was there! I have purchased a CD with all of those pics on them and will post those pics when I get them.
Posted by Robin at 8:53 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Knight Update (and excuses)
I know I have been slacking on my blogging. I do have one excuse, if that helps. I lost the cord that connects my camera and computer....but, I found it!!!!!!!! Hayden had his last fall baseball game last weekend. Alex finished up her flag football cheerleading on Monday night. So what does that mean....a little free time on the weekends for the Knights!
I am busy finishing up our PTO fundraiser at Hayden's school and getting ready for our basket auction in November. We are raising money to purchase technology for the 1st and 2nd grades at his school. Alex will be at this school next year and will benefit as well. It is worth all the time and energy when we purchase SmartBoards for each classroom (we currently have raised enough $$ to put them in 1/2 of the classrooms! :)
We are also getting ready for our big trip to Disney World next week. We leave on Sunday for the entire week!! The kids are so excited and I am too. OK, Chuck doesn't seem to be sharing in our enthusiasm yet, but I have hopes that when we get there he will enjoy if more that he thinks. My brother Rustin is staying with us for a while, so he gets to take care of all of the animals and the house while we are away. He refuses to take care of Hayden's rat "Ralphy", so he will be visiting Jayci, our neighbor for the week
Posted by Robin at 9:07 PM 1 comments
Alex - Student of the Week
Alex in front of the "Student of the Week" board in her kindergarten class.
This was one of her pictures that she took to school.
Posted by Robin at 9:02 PM 0 comments